Author: Dima D. Date: 13 February 2023 Motivation: Sprinque’s Data Science team suggested having this address on buyer onboarding to improve business check if it’s known at this stage.
Reviewers: @Manoj Tutika @Peiyu Wang
If we know the order shipping address at the moment when we register a buyer company with Sprinque we can send it as an additional field initial_shipping_address
and that will improve our credit assessment;
Pass buyer’s shipping address to POST /buyers payload. It’s an optional field in case you don’t have this info and want just to onboard a buyer.
As a website user
- no changes;
As a website admin
- no changes;
As a Sprinque staff
- for each new buyer registration we should receive 1st order’s shipping address. That helps us to prevent fraud.
We need to make sure that if address line 1, city or zip is missing we need to omit the initial_shipping_address as otherwise the buyer onboarding call will be blocked like: